What’s New At The Bonnyville Museum
Latest News & Updates
March 8, 2023: The Bonnyville and District Historical Society’s Annual General Meeting will take place on Wednesday, March 29, at 6:30pm at the Bonnyville Museum.
The meeting agenda will include:
- The election of Directors for vacant positions
- Voting on a proposed amendment to the Bylaws. View the proposed change in italics below:
a. The Bylaws of the Society may be repealed or amended only by the members of the Society by Special Resolution at any Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting. A vote in favour of no less than 75% of the members present is required. No less than twenty-one (21) days notice of the meeting shall be given and shall include a copy of the proposed amendment(s) together with notice of intention of the Board to recommend for adoption.
View the Bonnyville and District Historical Society Bylaws here: BHS_Bylaws_2021Revision
The Historic St. Anne’s Chapel and the Ardmore United Church are on-site and ready for your visit or private event!
Are you looking for a charming and intimate venue to add a wonderfully unique flair to your wedding? Look no further than the historic St. Anne’s Chapel and the Ardmore United Church. Each original building is complete with all original furnishings, altar and organ (St. Anne’s Chapel only), and can accommodate up to 50 guests. Please call us at 780-826-4925 or email us at for inquiries and details.